Lockers With Intelligence: How to Transform Traditional Lockers Into Smart Storage in Smart Office Spaces Smart lockers utilize advanced authentication methods such as mobile credentials, smart cards and RFID readers — eliminating the need for keys and locks.
How RFID in Healthcare Provides Superior, Secure Care HID's RFID intelligence is helping hospitals and providers make healthy choices when it comes to security, efficiency and compliance.
Goodbye, Data Breaches. Hello, MFA. HID offers solutions to lower the risk of data breaches. Say goodbye, data breaches. Hello, MFA to keep your records safe.
Bad (Password) Habits Are Hard to Break Multi-factor authentication is critical in organizations' defense strategies. Read HID’s blog on how to help your employees break bad password habits.
A Bright New Era for User Authentication With SSO authentication, users present their smartphone or smart card to a radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader for a seamless daily access.
Streamline Time and Attendance With Connected Workplace Technologies Time and attendance systems can help eliminate time theft & reduce payroll errors. Learn more about the benefits of connected workplace technologies.